Corvvs is our second guest to present how he created with paints his time.
Corvvs his name – comes from Latin corvus – the artist’s favorite bird and considered one of the most intelligent and full of symbolic representations in the world , being considered a messenger between kingdoms and worlds . Corvvs talks about being the messenger of time and his works.
Corvvs talks about being the messenger of time and his works.
How would you describe your work today?
-I would say that I still describe my work today as melancholic, poetic and erotic.I try to highlight themes that are important to me in my work, such as sexuality and love. Trying to represent different types of feelings and emotions through portraits and body postures.
Can you briefly tell us about your creative process?
-My creative process starts with the creation and selection of a photographic reference that will help me create the work visually. Then the illustration itself is based on a technique called cross-hatching, that is, the overlapping of strokes in order to create volumes, shadows and even textures.
What are your references and how do you come up with the composition of the portraits ?
-The references I use are almost always created by me, I try to make sure that the model is in a comfortable environment and that it is as natural as possible.
Usually I already have a concrete idea of what I want from a certain model, I give them some guidelines, but then the poses and expressions are up to the model and what they feel at the moment.
The bodies present in your work are rich in details and fragmented is there a reason ?
-Regarding the detail, I really want my illustration to touch almost “realism”. But at the same time, I don’t like perfect things, I like what is unfinished, hence the fragmentation, I like to captivate the imagination.
And something that is unfinished or incomplete has that power. It could be all or nothing.

You artwork for this watch can you tell us about this series ?
-The series I chose for the watch is called “If he could read my mind“.
“If he could read my mind” is a project aimed at nudity in an attempt to create a concept through the body expressions. The name of each piece reveals the concept behind it. Without a representation of varied objects, the idea and the concept lives hidden behind the aesthetic and body position.
Where can we currently find your work?
-At the moment you can find my artwork in the Joia gallery and/or in Apaixonarte in Lisbon.
Also have illustration on my website.
Are you developing new projects?
-Yes. I currently have two projects in mind.
The first one is already in development, the other one hasn’t left the paper because it’s still too recent.
But they will be two new series with very structured concepts.
What do you project for this year ?
-It’s still too early to tell.
But I started the year by stepping out of my comfort zone and I want it to stay that way, I expect challenges and things that make me evolve as an artist and a human being.