Inktimes calculate hourly wage

What is INKtimes ?
The INKTimes is a project to dialogue about working hours, portfolios, and artists. In INKTimes, the time is displayed in the 24-hour format and the number system is replaced by art and illustrations in 1080×1920 format from guest artists and illustrators. Our idea as a project is to display the clock each week accompanied by an interview with each guest participant. At the end of the week, the project enters our collection and can be used whenever the artist or illustrator needs.
Inktimes calculate hourly wage
We don’t want to be on social networks, we want to be a website with illustrated local time simple as that.
The INKTimes is a simple HTML + CSS + Javascript project idealized by Vital Lordelo a.k.a Vital Courage.
This physical project is exhibited at FRESTA in Lisbon Portugal and runs on Raspberry Pi.
It could be the first art and illustration clock in Portugal.
This project was possible and had the collaboration of several people :
Julia da Costa
Lena da Costa
Luiz Gavinho
This is my part-time independent project if you like it and want to collaborate we accept donations so that I can continue being a visual time guardian.

Inktimes calculate hourly wage
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Also. Moreover. Furthermore. In other words. In conclusion. Firstly. Secondly. Finally. On the first hand. Furthermore. Consequently.