Raquel Duarte is a Brazilian architect and illustrator, residing in Portugal since 2018 and is our third INKTimes participant with “Portal do Sonhar”.
How would you describe you and your work today?
I like to describe this work of art as enchanting, reflective and to some extent questioning, for example the most common question I am asked is: “Why are the doors closed? And my answer is: “But are they closed?”
Can you briefly tell us about your creative process?
My creative process is also very intuitive. I start by choosing an image from my collection of architectural photographs, particularly of doors. The colours and the memory of the place come to my mind and I sketch with graphite, test the colours and then let it flow with the botanical elements and finish with ink.
What are your references?
My greatest reference is the architecture of things, both human and natural, and the integration in which we live. I like the poetry that exists in the construction of our houses, cities and the life that grows trough of it, and that is how my art was born. I also have artists as references, mainly women.

You artwork for this watch can you tell us about this series ?
Called “Portal do Sonhar”, this collection of 12 doors is also my first collection of art, born from the passion of the doors of Portugal and the life that I have chosen to plant, cultivate and make sprout among the noises of everyday life. This is how I blossomed into these artwork with all my dreamy essence.
Where can we currently find your work?
Online, in my own online shop, on Instagram and in the JOIA PT
Are you developing new projects ?
For the illustrations I already have some new drawings in china ink, thematically focused on architecture, botanica and women, and I will also be venturing into ceramics and textile printing.
What do you project for this year ?
Growing up with illustrations, exploring more creative drawing and art making.