We are Pictozer, a creative duo from Paris, composed of Anaëlle and Fabien. We officially started in 2022 after years of wanting to work together.
How would you describe your work today?
Pictozer rhymes with bulldozer: we want to overcome the barriers that we put in our way as creators and promote an uninhibited approach to art. We cherish the idea that illustration can be everywhere and find its place on any medium.
For Pictozer, creating is an ode to childhood. We make art with a desire to recapture a bit of carelessness. We are a gentle blend of a naïve and bizarre spirit, with a contemplative atmosphere. We want to suspend time and thumb our noses at an ever more demanding adult world.

Can you briefly tell us about your creative process?
Although we explore various techniques, everything starts with illustration. It is often very instinctive, hence the naive side that comes out of our work. Our work is hugely inspired by video games, music and encounters that shaped us, from our childhood to today. We like to soak up all these influences to find fun concepts, both for illustration and for the objects we make.
Where can we find your work now?
You can discover more of our little world and find the objects we sell on www.pictozer.com. Also, check out our instagram, where we post cute short animations, works-in-progress, among other things.
You artwork for this watch can you tell us about this series?
This clock is a celebration of laziness. Representing time through a progressive accumulation of koalas, rather known for their sluggishness, seemed as ridiculous as it was fun. Like koalas, we like to take the time, to do things right. Furthermore, koalas are central in our bestiary. Like most of our characters, koalas have a personal meaning to us : they represent family, attachment and comfort.
Do you develop new projects?
We are always looking for new ways to share our characters. You might meet us at Parisian art markets, or see our little friends here and there around the world. Let’s keep in touch!